Boost your confidence and start to think positively | BBW Dating

Boost your confidence and start to think positively | BBW Dating

May 2, 2017

Your shape and size is not – and never will be – the only thing that defines you. If you find yourself holding back from the things, deep-down, you want to do, it is time to push your worries and insecurities to one side. It is time to move forward.

Having a lack of confidence, can result in negative implications for both your mental and physical state.

But, what are the signs of an increasing lack of confidence?

They are:

Explaining your actions, too often

Folding your arms – defensive body language

Becoming defensive when something critical has been directed at you

Talking negative

Although these are common behaviours, they are a result of unhappiness. Increasing confidence within ourselves and taking back our self-esteem can result in viewing the world through a different eye.

We understand that getting out of ‘the slump’ is easier said than done. However, that hasn’t stopped us from creating a list of confidence-boosting tips. We recommend giving these tips a whirl, for a week at least; we’re sure you will be much better for it!


You don’t have to run half a marathon. Simply getting out the house and going for a fast-paced walk once a day will release endorphins. Endorphins are produced from the central nervous system, and can be released into your blood stream. This is what is known as, a “runner’s high”. So go on, take the dog out for a walk, take a trip to your local park, breathe in the fresh air, and you will automatically feel more positive for it – it is scientifically proven!

Improve your posture

Lift your shoulders and straighten your back when you walk around. You may not feel great mentally, and it may feel false at first, but it will have an effect on your state of mind!

Don’t get involved in negative gossip

There will be frequent negative talk going on around you. Our tip is to STAY OUT OF IT. Do not get involved in such negative talk. Instead, try to compliment people, as often as you can.  Recognizing the best qualities of others will allow you to change the perception of yourself.

Get out of your comfort zone

Don’t shy out of the next social evening – get yourself involved. The night may or may not be a success, but as the saying goes, you won’t win the lottery without buying a ticket. And hey, if the night wasn’t as fun as you imagined, try something else. Eventually you will find something you enjoy or bump into new friendships along the way.

Speak to like-minded people – BBW Dating

BBW dating – or cuddly dating as some say – is a great way to speak with like-minded people who are likely to have experienced similar thoughts and feelings. Now, we aren’t saying Big Beautiful Women should be categorised into their own group, but these online communities help bring people together and consequently, out of their shell.

There are many BBW dating sites for BBW singles on the internet today, such as our own Flirtio BBW page, but there are also communities for those of you who aren’t single or who aren’t prepared to start dating yet. If you are single, and feel you are ready to meet someone in a romantic fashion, visit Flirtio’s free BBW dating site.