Dating can be very stressful. You kind of have to put yourself in the ‘dating’ mindset. What is that? Well first and foremost you have to stay positive. As hard as that may be, especially when you’ve been dating for a while, you need to remember that everything happens in due time. Don’t let the process get you down, you’ll meet that right person eventually. Here are some other tips that can really help you through your dating journey.
It’s normal to feel agitated, deterred, and even anxious with the whole dating thing. But your best weapon is going to be your care-free attitude towards this whole dating debacle. If something is meant to be it will happen, if it doesn’t you are only hurting yourself by overly-obsessing or constantly questioning what happened. Don’t doubt yourself and if something doesn’t work just move on to your next adventure, be the boss b*tch that you are and hold that head up high and know that you deserve the best.
2. Don’t Lose Your Sense of Self
It’s extremely important that you maintain your authenticity whether you begin dating someone exclusively or are still continuing down your dating journey. Don’t let anybody you meet convince you that you need to change or that being with them and making them happy is more important than maintaining your needs and desires. Nobody is worth compromising your independence and or your identity. Do you and keep doing you and don’t let anyone come in-between that.
3. Listen To Your Gut
If you meet someone and he or she even makes you feel a little bit uncertain about their character or maybe some other aspect of the relationship, trust your intuition. If something seems off, the listen to your gut and act accordingly.
4. Be Confident With Yourself
Many people unfortunately will get into a relationship with any guy that comes their way. Why? A lot of people can’t be alone. But that is a meaningless relationship, don’t be afraid of being alone. Not everybody is worthy of your love, maintain your confidence and go after what you really want, don’t settle for whatever comes your way.
5. Don’t Be Afraid To Take A Risk Once In Awhile
Sometimes it’s nice to step outside your comfort zone, you might find that you like or dislike something you previously felt differently about. Putting yourself out there when you otherwise wouldn’t have is a great way to get to know yourself better as well. A risk here and there (to an extent) never hurt anybody, have a little (safe) fun.